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indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Category: Business helps wildlife

  1. Hotel Cafe Royal in London supports Born Free

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    I do love receiving Born Free's magazine, Wildlife Times.   There is always lots of interesting news and information in it, and amongst the pages to delve into is their "Business Friends" page.

    So I was very interested and delighted to read that the Hotel Cafe Royal in London made Born Free their charity partner to celebrate the festive season.

    Their fundrasiing activities included a voluntary £1 donation on all guest bills during the period, and every child who stayed on the 25th December received an Adopt a Polar Bear gift pack.

    Adopt a polar bear from Born Free today
    Adopt a Polar Bear from Born Free here

    Apart from raising funds, this must have been a great way to raise awareness amongst guests and hotel staff of the vital work Born Free does.

    The Born Free Foundation is an international wildlife charity.  It works around the world to stop  stop individual wild animal suffering and protect threatened species in the wild.  Actors Bill Travers MBE and Virginia McKenna OBE founded the charity, whilst their son Will Travers OBE is the charity's President.

    Thank you, Hotel Cafe Royal!  It's good to see business working to help wildlife.  They also hosted an evening with Sir David Attenborough back in November 2017, which involved discussion followed by dinner. 

    For more information on Born Free, visit their website

    If you want to adopt an animal (which would make a great gift for an animal lover), click here.  They have a wide range of animals to adopt, from big cats to pangolins!


  2. Iceland supermarket aims to be plastic free across own label range

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    In the middle of all the news about plastic, Iceland has announced that it is working to be plastic free across its own label range by 2023.

    It's going to use technology to create a range of packaging of paper and pulp trays, along with paper bags, which are recyclable via domestic waste collection or in-store recycling facilities.

    Iceland has removed plastic disposable straws from its own label range already - and its new food ranges will have paper-based as opposed to plastic food trays.

    I think this is an important move.  The Plastics Market Situation Report in the spring of 2016 said that one million tonnes of plastic are generated by supermarkets in the UK every year.

    And it looks like Iceland will have a lot of consumer support.   In a survey of 5,000 consumers by OnePoll back in December 2017, there was a clear interest from the public in reducing plastic.

    • 80% of those surveyed said they would  endorse a supermarket's move to go plastic free
    • 91% said they would be more likely to encourage friends and family to shop there 
    • Nearly 68% think other supermarkets should follow Iceland's lead.

    Plastic entering the world's oceans not only puts the world's marine life at risk;  it also enters the food chain through the sea food we eat.   

    We need to stop the rot and reduce our use of plastic before it's too late.   Iceland are making a good start - so what will other supermarkets do to follow suit?


  3. Big cat tourism in South America can help jaguars

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    There's some interesting research come from the University of East Anglia about big cat tourism.

    The overall message is that if we visit to see the jaguars, we will help them.

    Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the Pantanal, an area which spans Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.  They want to see the big cat - the jaguar, who can be pretty elusive.

    The Pantanal is widely considered to be the best place to see jaguars in the wild.  Most tourists come to see jaguars, the Giant Otter, Anaconda, Marsh Deer, Giant Anteaters and water birds.  

    The World Land Trust is based in the UK, and its partner, Guyra Paraguay, manage a 52,000 acre reserve in north-eastern Paraguay.  It runs the Three Giants Biological Station on the reserve.   The reserve, by the way, is named after the Giant Otter, Giant Anteater and the Giant Armadillo who are present around the station, which tourists can visit. 

    Most tourists want to see jaguars;  animal tracking marks such as footprints are often seen.   Even though Jaguar sightings are rare, they are frequently caught on trail cameras.

    Responsible Travel list a number of wildlife holidays in Brazil
    Responsible Travel list a number of wildlife holidays in Brazil
    ©Responsible Travel

    The jaguar is also at odds with local farmers, for killing their livestock and who consequently resent this big cat.  Some farmers even go so far as to hire bounty hunters to kill off problem cats.

    A research team from UEA, the Federal University of Mato Grosso, and Panthera, the cat conservation group, looked at the human-wildlife conflict.  They studied the area of Porto Jofre.  Here, ecotourism lodges and working cattle ranches work side by side. 

    Researchers discovered that the annual revenues gained from watching jaguar tour packages were more than US$6.8 million.  However, in the same area, the damage to livestock was US$121,500.

    Furthermore, the researchers interviewed ecotourists in the area.  98% would be willing to pay an extra fee to compensate ranches for the cattle they lost to jaguars.  A considerable 80% were willing to give 6% of the tour package costs.  

    Professor Peres said: “The discrepancy between the financial benefits and costs of retaining jaguars provides a huge window of opportunity for the conservation of this flagship cat and many other species of the increasingly embattled Brazilian Pantanal.”

    In short, there is monetary value in keeping a good number of jaguars in the Pantenal.

    Best practice in cattle herd management can also help reduce losses to farmers and ranchers.

    And tourists can help by looking to select tourism operators that work with local people to benefit the community and reduce any human-wildlife conflict.  

    Interestingly, the Snow Leopard Trust has set up a compensation scheme to help those farmers who livestock are killed by snow leopards, and also to help the farmers better manage their herds.  And it seems to be working.  I just feel sorry for the livestock.

    Read the full study from the University of East Anglia here

  4. Tusk announce new partnership with Land Rover to help African wildlife

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    There's good news from the charity Tusk.   They've just formed a new partnership with Land Rover.  Tusk say that this new partnership will have a significant impact on their work in Africa.

    Going Above and Beyond for the wildlife and people in Africa - Tusk and Land RoverSharing an ethos.....
    going Above and Beyond for the wildlife and people in Africa
    - Tusk and Land Rover**

    In the email I received from Tusk, Land Rover’s Global Marketing Director Mark Cameron was delighted to announce Land Rover's formal partnership with the Tusk Trust, as both have a similar ethos:  going Above and Beyond.

    Tusk are trying to build a sustainable future for the African continent and its wildlife.  Since it was founded in 1990, it has invested over £30 million into a range of projects across Africa.  

    Taking a look at their project list, I can't help but feel excited.  Projects include the AfriCat Foundation, Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project, Durrell Madagascar, Coaching for Conservation, the Lamu Marine Conservation Porject, the Mali Elephant Project, Local Ocean Trust, various water projects, vulture conservation, rhino projects, those with primary and secondary schools, the South African Wildlife College and the Walikale Gorilla and Forest Conservation Project.  Click here to see their projects

    Given some of the very tough and rugged terrain Tusk and its partners work in, the enhanced partnership with Land Rover must surely be good news for people and wildlife, and Tusk must be very excited as they work to help African have a sustainable future for people and wildlife. 

    Click here to find out more about Tusk

    **cc Tusk and Land Rover


  5. Solar Independence Day - 4th July 2017

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    The Fourth of July is of course widely recognised as Independence Day in the US.

    But there's another 4th of July - Solar Independence Day.   I discovered this from the Solar Trade Association

    We've got solar power to heat our water now, and if I could and our roof had been more appropriate, I'd have gone for solar heating in the house as well.  

    But the least I can do is to tell you how pleased I am with the solar power in our house that we do have - I'm determined to see what else I can do to switch off our need for power produced by any fossil fuel and to use solar instead.  

    Our bills for water have reduced our overall electricity bill, which is great news - and it's lovely to feel that hot water in a shower and to know we haven't had to fork out for it this month.  Yes, we had to pay for the solar system to be put in but prices are coming down all the time, so find out if you are eligible and go solar if you can!

    What I REALLY love about solar is the fact that we have acquired more control over our use of energy.  Now that the system is in, we've got more control over at least some of our electricity bill and - I think - greater protection against rising electricity prices for hot water use.