Our blog & news: Get involved to help wildlife


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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  1. Have you ever stopped to think about the impact rat poison has on rats?

    Two inspiring women, one in her teens, have put a website together called Rat Poison Facts to help people understand the impact.

    Ways to keep rats and mice away from your home humanely

    They want to bring an end to animal mistreatment and the poisoning of the ecosystem by stopping the use of rat poison.

    So the goal of Rat Poison Facts is to raise awareness:

    • How some rodent control methods are inefficient
    • How some rodent control methods could be dangerous for children, pets and other wildlife
    • How some rodent control can harm our ecosystems
    • How cruel and inhumane some methods to get rid of rats can be
    • Humane alternatives to dealing with rats

    When a rat takes in rat poison, there are all sorts of possible implications for the rat, such as internal bleeding, dehydration and dramatically bloated stomachs from overfeeding substances containing gas).  Death can be very slow and painful.

    Rat poison can be dangerous to people as well – young children end up in hospital every year because of it.  Pets may eat it by mistake.

    The website has information on things such as where to release a rat

    The site has very helpful education resources, with useful links, including how you can get rid of rats in a humane way, with humane ways to keep your house rat-free that work.

    You can find more information  on RatPoisonFacts website.


  2. WCS Argentina has a new initiative!  And it involves dogs, sheep and pumas.

    WCS is working to reduce conflict between herders and the wild carnivores who stalk their sheep flocks. 

    The dogs are a mix of Anatolian shepherd and Great Pyrenees.   They watch over the domestic goats and sheep herds, protecting them from pumas, foxes, condors and other predators.

    And because the dogs are protecting their flocks, the herds have stopped resorting to shooting, poisoning or trapping wildlife.  And there are a couple of wins here:

    • Wild carnivores have a better future – many are endangered, such as the Andean cat
    • Herds don’t need so many animals in a herd – and that means there’s less overgrazing and desertification is reduced.

    Find out more from WCS Argentina


  3. One thing that has improved throughout history is the human race’s desire to support important causes and give voices to those who cannot speak up for themselves. We do this in several ways—signing petitions, protesting, donating, volunteering, etc., to name a few.

    Our need to support affects our daily lives, including the purchases we make on everything from groceries to mattresses. A growing number of consumers only shop at companies that have a social cause they care about. That’s especially true for younger demographics. Whether it be a cause for social groups, health, animal, nature, etc., many brands are working with nonprofits and charities to make product purchases go further.

    Nolah Mattress is an example of a consumer company wanting to do better.

    Defenders of Wildlife

    Nolah Mattress is working with Defenders of Wildlife (DOW) to help the world’s 41,415 threatened species. According to the organization, 16,3006 of those are in danger of extinction.

    The organization’s core mission is to save wildlife and their habitats from destruction and extinction. It also restores and protects vulnerable species’ habitats. DOW lobbies against laws that would harm these species and their habitats. To make that happen, the organization often works with other brands and companies to sponsor their efforts.

    Visit Nolah Mattress and Visit Defenders of Wildlife

    Nolah Mattress have partnered with Defenders of Wildlife
    to help wildlife.

    Nolah Mattress’s Conservation Mission

    Nolah Mattress has partnered with Defenders of Wildlife to help the organization on its mission. With every mattress purchase made, Nolah Mattress adopts an animal that’s in danger. Fees that customers would have paid for shipping are instead donated to DOW to help them defend that animal. Customers will even receive an adoption certificate with their mattress purchase.

    This partnership doesn’t raise prices for customers, either. Each mattress will still be shipped free with a free return if the customer changes their mind within 120 days. Plus, the product comes with a 15-year warranty.

    This partnership will help Nolah Mattress assist DOW to preserve and protect America’s biodiversity. Proceeds go toward both on-the-ground efforts and court battles against laws that hurt wildlife.

    Nolah Mattress and DOW are working together to save America’s lakes and lands from harm. DOW members will also use funds that Nolah Mattress raises to preserve biodiversity ranging from bees to bison.

    The Mexican Grey Wolf is just one species Defenders of Wildlife help

    How Your Business Can Help

    If you’re a business owner, there are many ways your business can pursue wildlife and environmental preservation initiatives. Even if you’re in a competitive industry, you can find ways to help the environment. Some common methods of helping out include:

    • Partnering with a Nonprofit or Charity- There are plenty of charities and nonprofits, both local and national, that need your help. If your business is ready to commit to a long-term partnership, reach out to an organization like Defenders of Wildlife or Wildlife Conservation Network to get started.
    • Becoming a Certified B Corporation- B Corps are a network of businesses committed to social and environmental causes. If you’re not already B-certified, you’ll need to work with the organization to become certified—click here to get started.
    • Creating an Eco Workspace- Even if you aren’t part of B Corps, you can still make gradual changes to your workplace that help the environment. You can:
      1. Limit how much your office prints,
      2. Use energy-saving practices,
      3. Recycle, if you aren’t doing so already,
      4. Ditch single-use products and plastics,
      5. Avoid packaging with styrofoam,
      6. And more.
    • Starting an Internal Donation Drive- This strategy is advantageous if you’re a small or new company. Choose an organization that your company wants to support, and pick a timeline in which employees can donate to that organization. If you work with clients or other companies, you could also provide them the opportunity to donate as well.
    • Having a Company-Wide Volunteer Initiative- If you’re a newer company or don’t have the resources to commit to a partnership right now, you can always start with this easy step. Ask your employees for a list of organizations and causes they care about. Work together to chose one, and pick a day to volunteer your time to help them out. A relatively inexpensive initiative that’s easy to implement into offices is creating an eco workspace, as mentioned earlier.
    • Making a Lump Sum Donation- You don’t have to have a long-standing partnership to help an eco-friendly organization. Make a lump-sum donation whenever your company is able to or donate supplies or other much-needed items to that organization.

    Preserving and Saving Our Biodiversity

    If Nolah Mattress’s partnership with Defenders of Wildlife inspires you, there are ways that you can help either as a consumer or business. As an employee or employer, talk to your company about ways that you can get involved in the important mission of preserving and saving America’s biodiversity.


    Imagine 13,000 animals across 90,000 acres of wilderness in Kenya!

    Well, Secret Safari – Into the Wild is heading off to just that, on Channel 4 on Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 8pm!

    This programme visits the Ol Pejeta reserve.  It’s home to animals such as hippos, rhinos, elephants, cocktail ants and crowned cranes. 

    The programme tells the life and death stories of the animals through the rangers who protect them.

    The first programme includes a pride of lionesses left hungry when their alpha hunter vanishes, a crane romance and the birth of a critically endangered rhino.  There are six programmes in the series. 

    Andrew Scott is the narrator.

    Ol Pejeta is home to two of the world’s last remaining northern white rhinos.   It’s a sanctuary for over 110 critically endangered black rhinos. 

    Highly trained rhino protection squads are employed by the Conservancy, which partners with international veterinary experts.   Data is frequently gathered on each animal.   The Conservancy is a role model for rhino conservation in East Africa.


    Help safeguard rhinos and make a donation to the Safeguarding Rhinos campaign for the Ol Pejeta Conservancy with Global GivingHelp safeguard rhinos by making a donation at Global Giving
    Image © Ol Pejeta

    Find out about rhinos at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy

    Visit the Ol Pejeta Conservancy website here.

    Ol Pejeta is also home to the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary.   It was established through agreement between the conservancy, the Kenya Wildlife Service and the Jane Goodall Institute to provide lifelong refuge to orphaned and abused chimpanzees from West and Central Africa.  Currently there are 36 chimpanzees there, all getting a chance to start over.


    Ol Pejeta's mission (and I quote) is:

    To conserve wildlife, provide a sanctuary for great apes and to generate income through wildlife tourism and complementary enterprise for reinvestment in conservation and communities.

    and their vision is (and again I quote):

    To become an innovative and sustainable development model that conserves biodiversity (particularly endangered species) and contributes to economic growth and the improvement of livelihoods in rural communities.

    You can be a part of this journey and make a difference to wildlife by supporting Ol Pejeta's work.

    So let's introduce Helping Rhinos who partner Ol Pejeta:

    Ways to help:

    Adopt an Anti-Poaching Dog

    Adopt an Anti-Poaching Dog
    Image ©Helping Rhinos



    Rainforest Rescue is a non-profit organisation which is committed to preserving rainforests, protecting those living there, and furthering social reforms.

    Have a prowl around their website and you will notice that they have a number of petitions we can all sign to add our voice to protect the powerless.

    They say that those living in forests are often powerless against the business interests and ambitions of timber and cattle barons, Western banks, corrupt politicians and oil and mining companies.

    And there’s a petition at the moment aiming to keep the oil industry out of Africa's natural treasures.

    ReconAfrica have got a lience for oil and gase exploration in the Kavango delta.  They’ve got a second-hand oil rig in the US and shipped it across the Atlantic.  Drilling began in December in 2020 and if successful, the companies plans to extract two billion barrels of oil before drilling into deeper layers of rock. 

    Rainforest Rescue say the ecological impacts of the projects will be devastating.  They say it would threaten bodies of water in the dry Namibian savannahs, and Botswana’s UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Okavango Delta and huge numbers of elephants, hippos, rhinos and birds.  Livelihoods of locals hang in the balance.


    Please help keep the oil industry out of Africa's natural treasures
    Please help keep the oil industry out of Africa's natural treasures
    image © Rainforest Rescue

    Rainforest Rescue say, “We need to stop ReconAfrica’s project for the sake of the climate, biodiversity, water, and the livelihoods of the local people. Please support our demands with your signature.”

    Hippos, elephants, rhinos and birds can’t have a voice in this – they need us to speak for them.  Please sign the petition and act on their behalf.