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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Category: Help a species

  1. Petition to help the koalas of Queensland, Australia

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    Koalas Will Go Extinct If We Don't Stop Rampant Deforestation - Please sign this petition to help them

    Koalas Will Go Extinct If We Don't Stop Rampant Deforestation -

    Please sign this petition to help them 

    This petition is to the Government of Queensland, and Care2.com's The Petition Site is running it.

    The koala could go extinct within our lifetime, according to researchers.   This is mainly because state governments have been much too lenient when it comes to clear-cutting in the koala's last remaining habitats.

    For instance, between 2012 and 2016, five thousand koalas died becuase of habitat lost, and 94% of them died because of rural deforetation.   Koalas in Queensland are losing ground to huge stores and skyscapers thanks to the threat of new developments.  

    Unfortunately, the previous premier rolled back tree-clearing laws. 

    The new premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk is thinking about introducing new measures which would put an end to endless destruction of the koalas habitat.

    This petition is about speaking up for koalas, being their voice, and asking the Palaszcuk government to pass new tree-clearing restrictions today.  The koalas can't speak up for themeslves - they have no voice.  We need to be their voice instead.

    Please sign here to help koalas.


  2. International Day of Biological Diversity is on 22 May 2020

    Posted on

    The 22nd May 2020 is International Day for Biological Diversity and this year, the theme is “our solutions are in nature”.

    The UN proclaimed such a day to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.

    Here’s the incredible Sir David Attenborough explaining what biodiversity is:


    Watch Our Planet on Netflix

    The Council of the EU has produced a good video, too, called  Help Protect Biodiversity and it will protect us

    The theme “Our solutions are in nature” emphasises the importance of working together at all levels to build a future of life in harmony with nature.

    2020 is a year to reflect, grab the moment and come up with creative and innovative solutions.  We all need to work to stop biodiversity loss, for all people and all life on Earth.

    Message from BirdLife International on Biodiversity Day 2020


  3. Calling all bird lovers! It's World Migratory Bird Day on 9 May 2020

    Posted on

    On the 9th May 2020 (and 10 October 2020), it’s World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD for short). 

    It’s a global campaign  and it’s dedicated to raising awareness of migratory birds and the need for countries around the world to co-operate in their efforts to save them.

    This year, the theme is “Birds Connect Our World”.

    It was picked to highlight how important it is to conserve and restore the ecological connectivity and integrity of ecosystems which support the natural cycles that are essential for migratory birds to survive and thrive.

    The day gives us all an opportunity to discover more about migratory birds and be in awe at their amazing feats.

    Migratory birds need networks with stops

    Migratory birds travel far.  They need to be able to stop to rest and feed and breed. If you like, you could liken it as a journey along a motorway system and every so often, they need to stop for a break to fill their tummies and have a break.

    Birds need networks of sites

    They need a network of sites along these routes to breed, to feed, to rest and spend the winter.  They need different sites and habitats, irrelevant of which country they are in. They can cross incredible distances and over impossible terrains such as deserts and open seas.  They cross national borders and soar above any national agenda.  What they do need is for countries to co-operate to ensure their routes are kept open and safe for them. 


    Examples of migratory birds’ routes

    The East Asian – Australasian Flyway goes from the Russian Far East and Alaska through East Asia and South-East Asia, down to Australia and New Zealand – 22 countries in all.  The Flyway is home to over 50 million migratory waterbirds from over 250 different populations.   They need a system of wetlands to rest, feed and build up the energy they need for the next part of their journey. 

    Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust has an example of swan’s migrating from Slimbridge up to their tundra breeding grounds in the Russian Arctic. 

    RSPB has information about the Arctic tern who travels a rather amazing 22,000 miles a year – the longest migration of all – as they move continually between the Arctic summer and the Antarctic summer.  

    Swifts breed throughout Europe as far north as Lapland and the Arctic Circle, reaching east across Asia to China.

    So you can see how important it is that countries work together to give these birds the flight paths they need, with all the facilities along the way.

    What can be done at a national/international level:

    • Increase action globally via environment treaties such as the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and the Africa-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA).  These are vital to protect migratory birds on their international flight paths.
    • Creating habitat corridors which are protected and which go across boundaries would really help animals who migrate and fly over national boundaries. 
    • Networks of crucial sites which are imperative to migration needs must be safeguarded and managed properly.  Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas as described by BirdLife International give migratory birds all they need during their long flights - necessary feeding, breeding, nesting and sheltering grounds.

    What individuals like you & me can do:

    • Have a bird-friendly garden with safe shelters and a bird bath.  Give them bird food. Put feeders out of reach of cats.   
    • Spread the word about how important it is to protect migratory birds. 
    • Download and use birding apps – it’s a great way to connect to like-minded bird lovers.
    • Find out more about migratory birds.  There are resources on the WMBD website so fly off and nest and rest there a while and peck at all the information you can.

     This day is held twice a year , on 9 May and 10 October so you could prepare an event or attend an October event.

    Visit BirdLife International and the WMBD’s site here



  4. Wild Koala Day is on 3rd May 2020 - please add your voice to help koalas

    Posted on

    It's the 3rd May and that means one thing - it's Wild Koala Day :-)

    Please visit Koala Corner to see how you can help these adorable animals and meantime, here's a delightful clip from You Tube to enjoy:


    Here is the petition mentioned in the clip - if koalas don't have trees, there won't be any koalas, so please sign it and spread the word!  Thank you!#

    And here are others.  Please, please add your voice. 

    Speak for me
    This koala can't speak up - but you and I certainly can. 
    Please sign these petitions. 

    Stop Shenhua Mining Koala Habitat on Gomeroi ancestral lands 

    Save Koala habitat areas

    Koalas belong to the world, not just Australia

    Stop the Wallarah 2 Mine from impacting vital Koala habitat

    Protect our koalas

    Thank you :-) 

    Visit Koala Corner with this website to find more ways you can  help koalas, including 11 Ways to help koalas.


  5. Petition to help African wildlife and people from the African Wildlife Foundation

    Posted on

    Please, please take a look at this petition! 

    The African Wildlife Foundation sent an email to say that the social distancing we are all doing has consequences for lions, elephants and other species in Africa’s 8,400 protected areas.

    Please sign and share - Thank you

    What has happened with the breakout of COVID-19 and social distancing?

    Well, tourism has plummeted.  As a result, so has the revenue the safari industry receives.  The industry budgets revenue to dedicate to wildlife protection and protected areas management.

    Wildlife and the people who protect it – rangers and community members who are employed in tourism and related businesses – will pay the price of this decline.

    Please, please sign this petition and show support for Africa’s critical areas.  They are home to endangered species and they also drive economies that support wildlife.

    By signing this petition, the African Wildlife Foundation says that you are on the side of:

    • Africa’s already threatened species who rely on protected areas for safe habitat
    • The health of some of the most biodiverse habitats in the world, which are found in protected areas
    • Local people who rely on sustainable nature tourism for a living

    Please sign and share - Thank you
    Please sign this petition today.
    and give African wildlife a voice

    Visit the African Wildlife Foundation's website here

     to find out more about the work they are doing

    and how you can help